I cannot believe how quickly my first CSA (Coummunity Supported Agriculture) share passed me by! Back in April, when I paid for a twenty-week share of produce, the weeks seems to stretch out in front of me like a lovely dream. I looked forward to almost half a YEAR of weekly pickups of fresh, local, organically grown food.
Just like all things in life, the time slipped through my fingers, and my 'summer share' came to an end. All through the summer months and early fall we had some amazing food! I have long prided myself in being a true veggie lover, but there were things I tasted that I had never even heard of before my CSA experience. Daikon radish, sorrel, and lemon balm, for example. I scoured the internet and the CSA cookbook the farmer gave me for tips and recipes. As a family we learned to love some new flavors, and as a daycare teacher I was able to share some new foods. (The biggest success by far was the kohlrabi...no one around here can resist the unique crunch!)
Each Thursday night when I got home with my goodies, I set them up on the kitchen table and snapped a photo. Which, to anyone in my family, doesn't seem the slightest bit odd. I do love my photos. "Oh, mom is standing on a chair taking photos of strategically placed vegetables? Yeah, what else is new?"
So, here are the photos of our 20 weeks of colorful, tasty produce. I can't wait to buy a share next spring!

On November 16, 2020, the government of South https://bookvedulich.blogspot.com/2021/03/ve-may-bay-di-my-gia-re.html
ReplyDeleteKorea announced that Korean Air will https://trithucdulich.blogspot.com/2016/07/ao-mong-tay-nang-tien-con-say-giac-nong.html
buy Asiana Airlines. The Korea Development https://monanngondiadiemdulich.blogspot.com/2021/06/list-10-mon-an-dac-sac-kien-giang-cang-an-cang-ghien.html
Bank will provide 800 billion https://ngauhungdulich.blogspot.com/2021/03/mua-ve-may-bay-di-han-quoc-gia-re.html
won to support the merger. The combined airline will operate under the name Korean Air.