Monday, April 14, 2014

Finally Took the Plunge--Coconut Oil Deodorant

Homemade coconut oil deodorant is ALL over the internet, and most blogs have covered the topic quite sufficiently already. This is new to me, however, and perhaps new to one of you. So here you go!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

5 Signs You May be a Compost Addict

I realized it this morning--it hit me like a ton of bricks. For the first time, I took leaves from someone else's curbside, knowing how valuable they are for brown ingredients in my compost pile. I crossed the line, I took some leaves. I am truly a compost addict. Are you a compost addict, too? If you fit one or more of these criteria, I'm betting you are.

1. You drive or walk past a neighbor's house and see unwanted bags of leaves...and then can't think of anything else all day until you can return to ask for them.

Leaves on a neighbor's curb from a little spring yard cleaning: VERY exciting!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Creamy Crockpot Chicken Tomato Soup

I've been playing around with tomato soup recipes ever since I started growing my own tomatoes. I tried this one last week and it blew my socks off. The flavor is so incredible.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Peanut Butter & Jelly Oatmeal

Ah, peanut butter and jelly. Don't we all just crave a good old PB &J sandwich sometimes?

But have you ever tried it in your oatmeal? I have...and let me tell you, it's my new favorite way to eat breakfast. You won't believe how filling and DELICIOUS it is.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Liebster Award

I'm so excited--I've been nominated for an award! The Liebster Award is a really cool way to meet fellow bloggers, find kindred spirits, and get to know our blogging friends a little bit better. I was nominated by one of my personal favorites, Linn Acres Farm--you really need to go and check out their helpful and inspiring blog.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Better Than Campbell's Alphabet Soup

I knew I had to share this one when one of my daycare boys asked me to make it yesterday!

"When are we going to have the letter soup again? I LOVE it." Is that not the best compliment a cook could get? A 3 year old asking for veggies?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

3 Tips for Newbie Seed Starters

There is a ton of great information floating around about starting seeds right now, because so many of us are in the thick of it. Giving plants an early start inside as we get ready for the summer garden is such a satisfying experience. It's also a yearly learning experience and a lesson in patience and delayed gratification. I really believe that no matter how many tips you read, or what advice you get, the only way you'll get to know all your little tricks is to take a deep breath, and DO it!

Our wild success with heirloom tomatoes, started from seed,
has kept us coming back to the learning process of seed starting!

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Urban People are NOT Farmers"

The words made me bristle immediately.

A local Facebook friend had posted the link to a much needed petition. Our city does not allow backyard chickens, and many of us would like to change that. The petition can be found here:

Urban chickens for Fort Wayne

Urban chickens for Fort Wayne

I shared the heck out of the petition, not before excitedly replying to my friend's post "YAY! Signing immediately!"

Leave it to Facebook to create unexpected negativity. Not more than an hour later, another post appeared below mine saying (and I'm paraphrasing from memory, because since then my friend has taken her link down);

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sausage, Leek, Carrot and Butter Bean Stew

This was unique and tasty. Everyone in the family approved of and liked it. I was skeptical of using the wine, because it called for a lot, but after cooking down, the flavor was wonderful. I will be making it again!